Saturday, September 25, 2010

Bobby Kotick

What does everyone think of this man? IMO, slightly worse than Hitler. When I consider buying Activision games, this man's face pops up in my head and I reconsider lining his pockets.


  1. At least it's not Blizzar- OH WAIT IT IS, LOL.

  2. I have no idea who this is, but he looks sneaky.

  3. Bobby Kotick is killing everything I love. Fuck him, he's the worst thing to happen to gaming.

  4. Blizzard used to be my favorite video game developer.
    I have StarCraft 2 but I play more D&D 3.5 and Magic The Gathering than SC2.

    It also doesn't help that Hasbro bought out WotC...

  5. "this man's face pops up in my head and I reconsider lining his pockets."

    Me too. I don't want to be part of the problem. I think you should buy one indie game (or at least a new IP like Vanquish) for every Activision game you pirate/buy used. Sound like a plan?

  6. Anyone who tries to suck the fun out of making videogames and turn t into boring assembly line work is a total douche if not some kind of hellspawn.

  7. Nice blog bro!
    Followin n supportin :)
    Check my blog!

  8. I dont trust this guy!
